Happy New Year! Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
As we enter 2024, I want to share what the Holy Spirit has inspired me to preach to believers. 2024 is the year of “Your Open Doors.” As you will see later, this year presents open doors of blessing, favor, and opportunity for each of us.
What lies beyond these doors? The fulfillment of hopes and dreams that perhaps you have not even imagined yet. For some, it is the long-awaited answer to prayers. Listen, as you envision the year ahead, see these doors in your mind’s eye open wide before you. Jesus has set these opportunities before you - it is up to you to step through the threshold in faith.
The open doors represent transitions into new chapters and exciting ventures. But the opportunities remain merely potentialities unless we approach them with courage and conviction. As you meditate on what this year may bring, see yourself confidently passing through each door with the assurance that God goes before you. The possibilities stretch far beyond what we can conceive.
Fellow Believers, 2024 stands as the Year of Open Doors. You need only provide the faith, willingness, and mindset to discover what lies beyond them. The time has come to turn dreams into reality.
I pray that the message in this newsletter builds your faith to step courageously through the doors that God has prepared for you. Let us make 2024 our best year yet!
God is Opening Doors for Believers In 2024:
“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door…” Revelation3:8 (NKJV)
Note, Jesus said, ‘See, (it in your mind that) I have set before you an open door...’ Here’s the principle of the combination of faith and meditation: ‘What you see in mind you will see (achieve, experience, and possess) in time.’
“I have set before you…”
In this context, “set” means to place or establish.
“I have set (placed) before you an open door…”
What Is The Meaning Of The Word “Door” That Jesus Uses Here Metaphorically?
Metaphorically speaking, a door represents a transition or an opportunity to move from one state or experience to another. It can symbolize the opening of new possibilities, the chance to explore uncharted territories or the beginning of a new phase in life. As you look ahead to 2024, imagine the new opportunities behind each door for you to discover.
Jesus said, “I have set (placed) before you an open door…”
I will summarize the symbolic meaning of the word ‘door’ here into three categories. The “open door” symbolizes:
1. The opportunity to spread the Gospel.
2. The opportunity for spiritual growth.
3. The opportunity for success.
Now, let us examine what Jesus emphatically states about the doors (opportunities) He has placed before us.
“I have set before you an open door which no one is able to shut…” (Revelation 3:8)
Let us rephrase what Jesus is conveying here, utilizing the metaphor of an open door. ‘I have set before you an open door (opportunity) to spread the Gospel which no one can close.’
Glory to God! Every church, ministry, and believer needs to grasp this and proclaim that they will reach those lost, including family, with the good news of Jesus. Declare boldly, ‘I Believe I Receive, In Jesus’ Name!’
‘I have set before you an open door (opportunity) for spiritual growth which no one can shut.’ The door to a more intimate relationship with God is opened to you. A chance to mature spiritually and be utilized powerfully by God is available to you.”
Shout, “I Believe I Receive, In Jesus’ Name!
‘I have set before you an open door (opportunity) for success which no one can shut.’ You must declare by faith’ success is mine in Jesus’ name.’ Success in my marriage, health, family, relationship, finances, business, etc. Shout, “I Believe I Receive, In Jesus’ Name!
Now, Just As The Lord Is Opening Doors, He is Also Closing Doors.
“….He (Jesus) who opens and no one shuts, and shuts, and no one opens.” Revelation 3:7
The Lord is closing the door to your past failures, lack, and pain. Don’t revisit the doors of your past that Jesus has closed. He said no one can open those doors, but Jesus didn’t say you couldn’t. You have free will to do so if desired. Satan wants you to dwell on and revisit childhood abuse, trauma, and neglect. He wants you to obsess over failed relationships, marriages, business ventures, and personal failures.
Why? Because what you focus on determines your path forward. You can’t embrace the present or step into your future while reliving the past. You must consciously leave the past behind and live in the present.
For years, the apostle Paul was haunted by his past. Before becoming a believer, he persecuted Christians - beating, imprisoning, and torturing them. Satan used those memories to rob Paul of joy, peace, and self-worth.
In 1 Timothy 1:15, Paul describes himself as the worst of all sinners. In 1 Corinthians 15:9-11, Paul says he is the least of all the apostles. However, in that same passage, Paul later realizes he is loved, called, and forgiven.” And he concluded, “But by the grace of God, I am what I am.”
Paul accepted God’s grace for his sins and failures and forgave himself.
How was Paul able to do this? He reveals his secret in Philippians 3:14.
“…one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.”
Paul chose to forget the past and live in the present. You, too, must forgive and forget your past wrongs and the wrongs done to you. Satan wants you to carry your traumatic past experiences with you throughout your entire life. However, the Lord will not allow us to enter the open door He has for us with our past baggage. Like Paul, God instructs us to leave them behind and not look back.
Think logically and ask yourself, ‘What good can come from clinging to the pains of the past?’ You will conclude that there is no value in doing so. Therefore, let it all go and walk and move forward freely into the bright future God intends for you.
Philippians 3:14
“I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
It’s Time to Press Forward to The “Upward Call of God.”
Here, Paul reveals his mindset, ‘I press (drive, push, reach) forward and upward to the call (to carry out the assignment given me by) God.’ Changing negative thinking doesn’t occur overnight; it requires pressing, pushing, and driving yourself until it becomes your new norm.
God, Is Calling For Us To Go Forward And Upward, Not Backwards.
“After these things, I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here…” Revelation 4:1 (NKJV)
The Lord has closed the door of your painful, shameful, and failing past. God calls for us to go forward and upward, not downwards and backward. We are called to rise higher in our walk with God and our worship and commitment to Him. It’s time to look up, get up, and go up!”
Now, chin up, chest out, and declare that 2024 is Your Year of Open Doors.
Be Blessed
Dr. Lee A. Simpson, Sr. Pastor
Faith Clinic Church
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Faith Clinic Church
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This is so Powerful!!! Such revelation and truth. I’m ready to take on 2024! My year of Open Doors - no looking back but pressing forward as Jesus has prepared for me! Glory to God🔥🔥🔥🙌🏾